Spring is a time for sun, fun, and exploration! We all get to enjoy longer, sun-filled days — and jump in puddles from time to time, too.
At Lil’ People’s World, our spring curriculum is driven for children (and teachers) to enjoy outdoor activities and exploration, while filling our classrooms with nature and science experiences. Children love and thrive on hands-on experiences. It is our goal to fill our sensory tubs with fun new activities for children to enjoy. Smell and touch are huge parts of learning. Taste is too, but we like to keep that at our table with our menu. 😉
In our spring curriculum, older age groups will get to explore cooking activities and engage in walks around the outside of the school. Being outside is a great time for children to look around and see the changes that are starting this season. We’ll collect natural elements and enjoy some fresh air.
We love to invite our families to be a part of our curriculum. If you have something exciting from home that is nature-based and that you’d love for your child to be able to share with their class, please let your management team know. We love the collaboration between parents, teachers, and school staff. Working together to support student learning is the best teamwork!
Some art and science activities you might see when walking through your child’s school could be:
Paintings with leaves and twigs
Growing flowers from pods in the classroom
Planting flowers and seeds
Crayon etchings of different leaves in our area
Exploring ant farms and butterfly-hatching kits
Cling-on window designs
Dot painting
Discovering weather and rainbows
See some of our spring art projects below!
The list goes on! It truly is wonderful to explore the world around us in spring and see children awed by the changes. Birds are chirping, bees are buzzing, flowers are blooming, and our little ones are delighted by it all!
Books: Bringing Spring to Life
Spring books are a bonus! We will be exploring spring through text and writing samples. If you have a book from home that revolves around science, sensory, or spring (and that your child would like to share), please bring it in! Reading is a great way to spark the mind and get the creative juices flowing for our young kiddos. We love to read books about animals, science, the world around us, and seasons during this time too!
Feel free to bring in photos of your family enjoying the outdoors and spring activities to share in the classroom with friends. We love to see what everyone is up to outside of school, and these experiences give the children fun topics to engage in during circle time.
And we all know that April showers bring May flowers. So we are so excited to see our planter boxes explode with color over the next several weeks. Enjoy this magical season!