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Preschoolers Fall into Fun

With the cooler months, fall colors, and exceptional fall activities, you can’t help but enjoy the slowdown of the season. We get a chance to really embrace the autumn with our children and families. Let’s check out what each of our centers has in mind for this upcoming season.

Celebrating Our Creativity

What’s not to love when it comes to outdoor and indoor fall fun? Our Kirkland daycare is greatly appreciative of the temperature change and looking forward to one of their favorite activities: Fall Art.

Our budding artists are 'unbe-leaf'-ably creative this fall season!
Our budding artists are 'unbe-leaf'-ably creative this fall season!

Our little artists are creating colorful masterpieces that'll leave you 'fall'ing for their talent
Our little artists are creating colorful masterpieces that'll leave you 'fall'ing for their talent

A classic creative exercise is making leaf impressions. We start by taping several leaves to the table and placing a large piece of white paper on top. Then, using a crayon, we lightly color over the white paper and leaves, leaving behind brilliant leaf impressions. Use several colors to make the effect even more vivid. This activity is not only creative but full of new textures and small motor practice.

Our Bellevue childcare center is equally excited about their upcoming art endeavors. This year they will be adding Fall leaf dream catchers and squash shape stamping to the mix. We can’t wait to see their outcome!

And our Seattle center has been studying artists in their preschool classroom. They have been working on understanding new mediums, textures, angles, and reverse perspectives. The children really embraced the instruction and thrived with all their newfound art knowledge. Hats off to Michelangelo, Picasso, geometric abstract art, and the art of pointillism.

Costumes for Halloween can mean loads of fun and creative interactions for both children and parents alike. Theme your Halloween and use a few items from around your home to finish the look. This gives the whole family chances to experiment and dress up. When we give children opportunities to use their imagination, they take great pride in what they create as well as who they will become.


Fun with Food

Fall is a great time to get out those warm and inviting recipes. There are so many ways to incorporate season-inspired veggies and fruits into your child’s menu. Try creamy pumpkin soup, roasted pumpkin seeds, or butternut squash pancakes. These dishes always bring smiles to the children’s faces, especially if they get to help create it themselves. Stirring, dumping, pinching, pouring, and cutting will keep your kiddos amused for quite some time.

Our Bellevue center is super excited for their fall season’s big event: Pumpkin Day! The entire center and all the families get a chance to enjoy pumpkin art activities, festive smells, cider, and fall treats. Plus, it’s a chance for families to review their child’s portfolio.

Rock, fossil, shell, and plant collection used for Early Childhood Education in North Seattle.
With falling leaves, comes plenty of our favorite — science activities! Check out our nature collection at our North Seattle center.

Both our Kirkland and Seattle centers will have their multicultural nights with a multicultural potluck this year. It’s the perfect time to introduce yourselves to our wonderful community of teachers and families while sharing a cultural dish of your own. Multicultural nights are a chance to enjoy community company while showing acceptance for all cultures.

Our Seattle location also is looking forward to adding to its science areas by studying leaves, rocks, and all the wonderful fall colors to come soon.

Fall means exploring the world around you in a new light.
There is never a shortage of exploration.


Fall is a time of slowing down and getting to explore all of the wonderful things that the season has to offer. Get your children involved in activities, such as making leaf imprints and recipes, or explore your local science area with leaves, and rocks. Even the colors of fall can be a learning activity! Make it fun, make it interesting, and most importantly, get outdoors and enjoy nature. Fall brings about memories that you’ll want to cherish for years to come.

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